“I’m probably not who you want me to be.”

Let’s get this out of the way

This space will be used to share my thoughts, opinions, ideas about a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Books

  • Higher Ed

  • Business

  • Personal/Family

  • Politics

HOWEVER, a word of caution on the last topic, politics.

I’m not your guy for consensus thinking. I believe what I believe, and I don’t at all care who agrees with me or who likes my opinion.

I am who I am; that is enough

The world is bigger than politics, certainly for me.

I believe the world becomes a richer, more fulfilling place for everyone when we come to appreciate disagreement without being disagreeable. We don’t need to agree on most things; we simply need to commit to working together across political, racial, cultural, ideological, ethnic, and religious lines.

What can we all agree on?

Where I stand: I’m a husband, father, and business owner. I’m American. I’m a Christian. But, I’m also not automatically against you if you are neither of those. What I seek is common ground: What can we all agree on? 

In my community, for example, I tell even my most obstreperous opponents, “Let’s start from a place of agreement: Southlake is a special place. Correct?” Even we can agree on that much—I’m batting near 1.00 so far. With that open door, I share what I call the six C’s, which guide my interactions with the public as a local elected official:

  1. Conversation

  2. Civility

  3. Constructive

  4. Collaborative

  5. Change

  6. Community

That is, if we engage in a conversation that proves civil and constructive, we can likely collaborate to bring about change that benefits the community.

If that approach, philosophy appeals to you, this is your newsletter. 

It’s for people who believe in working together, despite our differences. 

It’s for people who prefer to pick fruits and vegetables, not fights.

It’s for people who believe that we can argue, fuss, and fight but still work like hell to make our communities better.

It’s for people with an open mind, willing to change if exposed to better ideas.

It’s for people open to reading opinions different from their own.

About Ronell Smith

First, I’m a Christian husband and father who loves America, believing that it is the greatest country on earth. (If you disagree with that, don’t torture yourself by reading this newsletter.)

By day, professionally, I help startups and SMBs reacquire customers lost to competitors or increase their revenue from their existing customers, as a brand strategy consultant. Helping business owners achieve the level of success they are willing to work for is my superpower.

By day, personally, I’m a devoted husband and dad who loves making his kids’ lunch each morning before driving (one of) them to school and hearing them say, “Bye, Dad. I love you. Have a great day.” Nothing makes me happier than the time I get with my daughters.

By day, as an elected official, I work to support residents, businesses and students any way that I can. I frequently meet with people who might soon have business before the council, listening to their ideas and sharing my thoughts. I also spend at least 10 hours each week talking to and/or advising small, local businesses, especially restaurants and other service businesses. Maybe my favorite thing to do, however, is support our kids in their various academic and athletic pursuits.

I also co-founded a now-retired digital news startup, The Southlake Independent, that was devoted to covering the city of Southlake, Texas.

Photograph by: Rachel Smith, taken at the Tattered Cover bookstore in Denver, Colo., October 2021

My why

Lest anyone feel deceived, my why is straightforward, and I’m unapologetic about it: I was put on this earth to help the rural and urban poor realize that their current station in life is meant to be temporary, for it’s not the long-term destination God has in store for them. I know this to be true. I will work to ensure that more people realize the same, helping them make good on God’s promise for their lives. 

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  • The ability to ask me questions via AMA

  • Interviews

  • Discussion threads

ALSO, the reason for the wolf logo: I was an animal science major in college; my main area of focus was predators, and the wolf (along with lions, tigers, and leopards) was my favorite. Their intelligence, their loyalty, and their indefatigable will was awe-inspiring.)

Subscribe to Informed Dissent

A newsletter for people who believe we can disagree—even vehemently—without being disagreeable.


* Helps brands grow their audiences and their revenue * Passionate about branding, local news, higher ed, and bridging the digital divide in rural and urban communities * News startup co-founder & local elected official based in Southlake, Texas.